since the recent friday, a pack of marlboro menthol lights will cost consumers NINE FIFTY. thats fifty cents more to ten bucks. remember those times when we bought small packs of fag for ONLY $2.70? hard packs were only $5.30. and then the prices went up to $3.30 for a small pack. and then $3.90 for a small pack. and then $4.30 for a small pack. AND THEN THEY DISCONTINUED THE PRODUCTION OF THE FANTASTIC SMALL PACK OF FAGS. @#$% which meant that everytime we buy a pack, it makes us $8.50 poorer. now, its fucking ONE DOLLAR MORE!!! wahlao. if only small packs are still in production and they cost only $2.70.. how cheap. now you can only smoke like 5 sticks with that amount of money. and last time, it buys you 10 sticks.. well, if this is the government's way of making us quit smoking, its working. cos im gonna quit.
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